Pinotage - I think you'll find that this question is posed by someone who, like you, is irritated by this particular line in questioning! Me too! I've answered several of them - there's a table available on the National Statistics website detailing the 'number of visits abroad by UK residents by main country visited'. Not hard to find. And I've also researched a few destinations that don't appear there - some of the cities or specific Caribbean islands that have been requested in the past.
But I also politely ask people to respond explaining why they're asking for such apparantly obscure information - is it class or coursework, and if so please to explain to their tutor that simply telling them to 'use the Answerbank' is not helping them or us! Sadly, none of them has ever had the grace or manneers to reply. They aren't being taught manners, it seems!
Incidentally, not sure the title of this question was in the best possible taste...?