Hi WW, just looked back on my post on going away where you asked about holiday insurance?
My husbands 81 now and he’s a type2 diabetic, also he’s had a mini stroke three years ago, I shopped around and the best one for him annually was £334 from Staysure, if you go with them, do it online as it’s about 20% cheaper
The GHIC card will only work in the countries equivalent of our NHS,
// An EHIC or GHIC covers state healthcare, not private treatment. With an EHIC or GHIC you can get emergency or necessary medical care for the same cost as a resident in the country you're visiting. This means that you can get healthcare at a reduced cost or for free.//
BP and cholesterol meds is part and parcel of having type2 diabetes ,
Yes you can get both insured on the same policy x