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All Of The Office Is Flocking Around Someone Whose Contract Has Ended

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Treacle71 | 15:13 Mon 15th Aug 2022 | Business & Finance
18 Answers
A girl in the office has been in a contract for 6 months, but management decided to end the contract after 6 months and she's devastated. She thought it would be automatically renewed. The thing is, she's the type who has taken over the office even though she's the newest in. She's a pushy/forward type too. Except for me, the other girls in the office are flocking round her to pacify her where I'm a "the world owes you nothing" type and "just get on with it and look for something else" type. I can't fuss I'm afraid. Do I sound mean? I don't believe in getting involved either. I did email this girl to say I was sorry, but she never acknowledged me. Shall I just leave her to get on with it? Because management certainly isn't helping her.


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I'm with you all the way. Contract staff should be more thick-skinned than that.
15:17 Mon 15th Aug 2022
yes, leave her to get on with it. It would be mean to say or do anything to kick her when she's down, but you don't have to do anything more than wish her good luck.
I'm with you all the way. Contract staff should be more thick-skinned than that.
I worked at the same place for 13 years & walked out on my last day without even a goodbye!
Is this supposed to be a genuine question?
//Shall I just leave her to get on with it?//

Of course - what else could be expected of you?
You could keep in touch with her by email but then again she may not reply just like the ex-work colleague on your other post
I'm always slightly concerned when people feel the need to cap up each first letter of every word.
Answerbank does that automatically in the headline post, Paignton.
Zacs.... :-))
yes, yes, it's VERY suspicious. I feel incredibly suspicious of this post for example:
you knpw that ab automatically does it on EVERY SINGLE post you read on here, right??
Gosh, yes, bednobs. Very suspicious.
I was concerned about that one too, Beds. ;-)
I can hear the theme to ♫ The Twilight Zone ♫...
the annoying thing is that it caps up only the first letter so if you try to write USA it appears as Usa.

This is bad for the Usa experience.
Question Author
Thanks guys for helping me out. Davebro - your answer made me smile! xx
yeah - no - leave it
get on with something more important like drinking your coffee

[depends on what she was told and what she understood from it. There is in law something called 'legitimate expectation' (increds). See you next, on Monday and then handing her her cards is a bit unfair.
James Anderton ( Chief constable) said to his deputy John Stalker ( innocent upright police who got well and truly shafted by those less honest and upright than him) - "see you on Monday , Jim"- - - and he was planning to shove thro an emergency suspension ( of Stalker) that night!
A not very forgiving chapter in Stalker's auto biog.
-- answer removed --
such is, such is, indeed
Use the workers like bits of bog paper and expect them to be grateful...

Pongo's ( Paignton, chrissakes) point, capitalization of headlines is "house style" - AB subeds have decreed that the title here are partially capitalised
there is a word for it - came up in Only Connect
all small - e c cummings - looks odd
Cap at the beginning
Caps of Most Words But not prepositions

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