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The K M Links Game - July Week 1 Results

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seekeerz | 02:02 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

Good morning everyone - rather dismal morning here, school holidays and the rain has set in, quite steadily, so the roads are quiet, but I'll bet the shops aren't !!
Very quiet on the links face too, so much so that you'd hear the rustle of hobnob wrappings ....

Goose Bumps

Porkpie Hat

Stock Density

Cobber Charge

Happy to report that three players ....Doof45, MargoTester and Sam1960 ...selected Goose Bumps and have made it out of the Club Rooms successfully!!
And that's it for this round - I'm a little shell-shocked, to be quite honest, but can only hope next week brings better pickings.

Till then, stay safe and take care, Cheers Steff 😘😘



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If I may?  I know I'm not in the game (forgot again!), but having just done the puzzle -24a Word for a broker, a stock trader or a wholesaler; or, a casual worker (6) - JobberStockjobberCharge density 
12:05 Mon 08th Jul 2024

What is a cobber charge???? Is this quiz more beneficial to Aussies???

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Definitely not, Sharon, I've never heard of it !!

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Something to do with lights on a bike, and you can charge it with a USB .....I 🤔 

If I may?  I know I'm not in the game (forgot again!), but having just done the puzzle -

24a Word for a broker, a stock trader or a wholesaler; or, a casual worker (6) - Jobber

Charge density


Just about to suggest the same, regards Lysander

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Thanks, Link, that makes so much more sense, I was really in a muddle with those clues this morning, I'll go through the answers again and see if there are any more scorers. 😘

Ahh so Stock Density isn't slang for a villiage idiot.
Obviously read the answers before I scrolled down.

Well I'm totally shocked that Kates ... well being Kate.
Well done the point scorers

Thank you SeekeerzXx

Shhh 🤫There's not enough Hob-nobs... no supplies until next week... when I'll be gone.

Question Author

Unfortunately that didn't yield any more points, but at least the position is clearer, thanks again to you and lysander 

Seekz 😘

I'm beginning to think that Kate is getting more and more obtuse, it's a wee bit crowded here in the club house 

Chuffed to bits with my single point 😊 😊

Thanks as always seekz, hope this finds you well


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The K M Links Game - July Week 1 Results

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