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An Hour From Stoke

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nailedit | 18:31 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

My son recently passed his driving test and has aquired his first car. He wants a family day out with his G/F, daughter and myself now that he's got a bit of independance, but doesnt know where.

Looking around for somewhere thats relativly cheap for a family, that toddlers could enjoy as well as the adults and about a hour (2 hours at a push) car ride from Stoke. (hence my Dudley zoo Q)

If it was up to me, I would go Blackpool but his missus hates the place. I know that its dirty, run down and seedy but...something for everyone😁




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The industrial heritage of The Black Country should be a rich vein of inspiration with something for everyone.

Can't beat a wee bit of history with your ice cream.

Question Author

Thanks Doug. Always wanted to visit their tbh.

Trentham Park?

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Done that to death Tills. I like it (+the monkey forest) and would go but my lad and his missus want something new and a bit further afield.

(Think he just wants to drive as the novelty of having a car is new lol)

Buxton Baths?

Rhyl, LLandudno?

Question Author

I'll look that up Tills, thanks πŸ˜€

Much as I love the BCLM I don't think I'd recommend it for toddlers. The Churnet Valley Railway is a heritage railway half way between Stoke and Ashbourne. We've never been there but the little ones might enjoy the steam engines whether or not they have a ride on one.

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My family recently had a weekend in LLandudno so looking for something new. Rhyl is a possability.

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bhg, yes, thats an option as well. Took my son there when he was young...

Alton Towers but that might be too expensive.

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I LOVE Alton Towers Tills but not a lot for littleuns 😐

How about the Crich Tramway Museum? My sat nav says it's just over an hour from Stoke. The entrance fee gives you free rides on the trams all day and return as many times as you like for a year.

I've never been! πŸ˜€

Chester Zoo?


Question Author

Thanks bhg, will look into that. Personally I love heritage trams..

Tills cant believe a fellow Stokie has NEVER been to Alton Towers 😁

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Have you seen the prices for Chester zoo andres. Unbelivaible they are. Thats why I was trying to price up Dudley zoo.

Went Chester zoo many years ago...great day out...but think that present day prices are out of the question for a family.

Nailedit, have a look at this place; we haven't been for over 10 years but found it to be the most relaxed and friendly zoo we've been too.

Question Author

Thank you captain, will look it up. 😁

Have a look at this, Nails.

Wheelock Hall Petting Farm. Sandbach, Cheshire.

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