If You Were Starving in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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If You Were Starving

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nailedit | 19:26 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Is there ANY food that you would not eat under any circumstances including death?

Been viewing a few You-Tube vids recently about cannibalism (Human and animal)

Think that I could definitely eat a human leg or some such if survival came to it but under no circumstances could I eat a squid or octopus!

(or one of those Poundland kebabs)


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If I were starving, I think that I would have a nibble at anything that could be classed as food. Desperate circumstances lead to desperate solutions.

What if we told you that the squid/octopus was just really skinny human leg?

You might be surprised.


There's no way I could eat anything human!


spiders, even if covered in chocolate

Chocolate-coated spiders ?  

The mind boggles Prudie.

But you're quite right I think, they wouldn't catch on 😁

Thailand Unique sells chocolate covered scorpions, but there isn't much information about chocolate covered spiders right now, but here's some information about eating spiders and other insects in Southeast Asia: 


Tarantulas are a delicacy in Cambodia, and large ones can sell for up to $1. 


Fried spiders are served in many bars in Thailand, and the Thailand zebra leg tarantula has been known as the "edible spider" for over a century. 

I must admit I've eaten cricket curry. Insects apparently are one answer to the world's food problems (and full of protein).

Quick google...

At its core, hunger is a primal survival mechanism deeply ingrained in the evolutionary history of our species.

I don't think most would be mindful enough to dismiss any type of food if 'Starving'.

I was just going to say something similar, Arky. I doubt there is anything i would refuse to eat if it made the difference between living or dying of starvation.

your children?

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