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Man Convicted In 'Landmark' Fgm Conspiracy Case

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naomi24 | 11:49 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
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//A former PhD student has been found guilty of conspiring to commit female genital mutilation (FGM) in what has been described as a "landmark case".

Emad Kaky arranged for a young girl to travel from the UK to Iraq, where she would have been subjected to FGM and also forced into marriage.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said the FGM conviction was the first of its kind in England and Wales.//


The creature will be sentenced in October.  Proof positive that proponents of disgusting rituals such as this really do exist within our society.



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Hateful.  I hope there's room for him in a particularly unpleasant prison & he gets the longest sentence possible. there an equivalent MGM 🤔??


Let's hope that this is the first of many. It's unbelievable just how many women are also complicit in continuing this barbarity.

I hope a combination of punishment and education will see an end to this dreadful practice.

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No, pasta, for obvious reasons there is no male equivalent.

Two influential groups practice MGM.  I think blind eyes are turned in those cases.

Amina Noor was prosecuted for her part in an FGM case in 2006, she went to prison for it

BBC News - Woman jailed for taking girl, 3, to Kenya for FGM

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sandyRoe, we know Jews and Muslims practice male circumcision.  That is not equivalent to this.  Thoughtless comments like yours quite shamefully trivialise this horrendous ritual.

The majority of white American men are circumcised. There is no comparison to the horror of FGM.

The men I know who were circumcised as adults tell me it has improved their sex life.

Most Muslim women and girls are not subject to FGM, it is cultural rather than religious and 20% aren't from Muslim backgrounds.

It is a disgusting, horrific procedure that should be illegal worldwide.

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//it is cultural rather than religious//


That isn't necessarily true.  Much of it is done in the name of Islam.

I think the landmark bit is conspiracy to commit an offence in a foreign area.


Once the country is Islamified it'll be done on the NHS.

cultural or religious ?

In fact it is considered a crime, legally and under Islamic law, on the basis that forbiddance is the rule in whatever concerns man's blood, property or honor.

I am sure the mods opinion will prevail

Once the country is Islamified it'll be done on the NHS.

oh god who turned the '***' tap on, on this thread? There have been convictions of doctors who did it -  which is why the girls are taken abroad

TTT 13.55

You do talk rubbish at times!

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//In fact it is considered a crime, legally and under Islamic law//


Not so.  It is not a crime in some areas of the world and Islamic law doesn't prohibit it.  



Of course there is a male alternative. I hear arab traders used to practice it on African slaves. Certain high voiced male singers may have experienced it too.


Not that it is any more acceptable so pointless discussing it further.

barbaric in 21 century, the people who advocate this barbarity, they surely know the implications, both physically and legally, and yet they still want to carry on doing it abroad and sometimes here, do they want women to be automatons, im suprised the taliban have not made it manditory. there an equivalent MGM 🤔??

yeah, a group of men who claim they were damaged by circumcision - details on the internet

 I hear arab traders used to practice it on African slaves.

FGM doesnt involve loss of ovaries you know - OK perhaps you dont, knowledge of anatomy of women is woeful on AB even amongst the mods

Discussed ( degrees of castration in the slave trade) discussed by E Said in 'Orientalism'

20% mortality

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OG, as brutal as it is even that doesn't compare to the more severe cases of FGM.

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Man Convicted In 'Landmark' Fgm Conspiracy Case

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