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Agriword 1284

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Trayc5 | 13:57 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

2d, Ribeye steak , made of reconstituted centre toe(9)E---E---E?

16d, How can Bob lack this meat product associated with Ulster(5,5)----C, Bacon?

10a, Travel with a bird?I know what you mean!(3,2) G--, -T.

18a,Glance(4) ----?.

27d, Mooted(5)A-R-D?

Any help would be great with the above.



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10. Got it

27 Aired

2 Entrecote, anagram

2 Entrecote

10 Got It - Go Tit

16 Black bacon, anagram 

2d. Entrecote

18 Look? Peer?

18 peek?


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Thank you all very much for your time and help .

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Agriword 1284

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