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flights to australia

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adderleycat | 19:12 Sun 28th May 2006 | Travel
5 Answers
searching the web for best deals for flights to melbourne , trip to last from 4th August until 2nd September. Anyone got any good sites I could try


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Always worth trying the airline sites - BA, Qantas, Singapore, Malay, etc.

Being a day or two flexible with your dates could also produce a saving

and watch the travel sections of the daily (usually Saturday) and Sunday papers; at this time of the year there are often special offers - winter down under, so low season.

There is a really good website which compares all airlines/flights/costs etc... its fantastic too for when you get to Aus for flights around the country... try:

I have flown twice to OZ, first with Singapore and second with Emirates. Both fares were cheap and I got them through Airline Network via Sunday Paper.

However the first time I went to Sydney second to Brisbane so I dont know about Melbourne. QUANTAS have sales on at the moment.

One word of warning. My son went one time with a charter flight. Flying out was with a holiday firm and the seats were very close. Coming bach was not so bad as it was with Cathay Pacific.He said never again bearing in mind that the flight is approx 24 hours.. Fly only with recognised airlines.

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