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tips on traveling on amtrak

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bendigedig | 03:02 Fri 25th Aug 2006 | Travel
3 Answers
i have booked a holiday for november which includes four nights in new york - amtrak to niagara - amtrak again to chicago for four nights - has anyone got any tips/advice for the trip or any ideas for things i should see in chicago? also what will the weather be like in mid nov.? thanks


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The Shedd Aquarium, blooming brilliant.
Make sure you have plenty to do on the New York to Niagra stretch - It takes ages and there is not much in the way of scenery. Train is very comfortable though, lots of leg room just very slow. You will love New York, we had our first visit end of July. It was brilliant I can't wait to go back. Niagra was lovely, try and go to Niagra on the lake also, it's a quaint town. I think you can only get there by Taxi, no bus, unless you have a car while you are there. I don't know what the weather is like in November. Try searching on google, I am sure they can tell you the average temps etc. Have a wonderful time I am so envious.
Just back from a trip myself, used the train to go from Niagara to New York. Comfy seats and lots of leg room, but it is a long journey. Will you be going to the USA or the Canadian side of Niagara?

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