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chrisuk013 | 19:29 Sun 18th Feb 2007 | Travel
5 Answers
what does this say...? mon petit sige d'amore and what language is it in...? thanx


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It looks kike a mixture of French - my little - and Italian - (something) of love.

Are you sure you have sige right? I've no idea what it means or what language it is.
Looks like french, my little xxx of love although amour is french for love. Amore is italian for love but the rest of the words don't fit italian.

Is the spelling correct, if sige could be siege it could be my little love seat. It can also mean headquarters, siege or a box.

Can't find a translation of sige though it could be something more colloquial, regional or slang or maybe another nationality's french such as african or canadian.

~Max~ may be able to help as she's french, will ask her if I see her.
I love you my little *sige*
are you sure it's not supposed to be 'singe' instead of 'sige'?

then it would be 'my little love monkey' :)
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new_squizza thank you,she really confuses me at times lol

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