just recieved my vouchers for the virgin balloon flights, which i will use for my birthday in may, know its a long time yet, but want to get it sorted and get the dates i want. it will be sooo exciting, but maybe a bit scary too,
today i'm going to town to buy myself some boots and a couple of nice tops,
I got a virgin balloon flight voucher a year+ � ago for my 40th birthday but unfortunately due to weather and illness and work haven't been able to book it yet - am so looking forward to it too.
where are you going to do yours? I'm thinking about maybe trying around Easter time but not sure where yet poss cumbria or around that area.
hope you enjoy it when the time comes - good luck!
its for my 50th birthday, maidon, 21st may, we're going to the one in york, staying a couple of nights in a hotel as well, so i can have some serious shopping therapy.
hope you eventually get to do it too, if u do it before me, let me know all about it, if it was scary and so on.
lol i love the randomness of the third sentance - are you implying buying boots and tops is scary? or that you'll wear two tops when you go in a balloon?
In balloons you're more open to the elements than helicopters (which means any bad weather and they'll cancel - this happened to me with Virgin last year, still haven't rebooked yet). You feel the breeze. I went on one in Kenya years ago - wonderful drifting along above the animals. But landings can be a bit bumpy. The basket fell over and I had to crawl out over some buffalo dung. I don't suppose this will happen in York. Anyway, it's a great experience, not at all scary, unless you want to bungee jump from it of course.
Hi Devilwoman - You'll LOVE it! I went a couple of years ago and I'm taking my Father In Law for his 80th this year.
What I would say is don't bank on going on the day of your choice it is VERY weather dependant, my flight was cancelled 5 times before I actually went.
You need to wear jeans and something warm it is colder the higher up you go, flat shoes (you reall are in a basket). Often when you land the basket will tip on it's side, no problem it's good fun, but make sure you're wearing something that won't end up over your head! Take sunglasses and make sure you put them on a cord and don't forget camera or video.
My then 6 year old son and nephews loved chasing after the balloon in the car with the family.
It is truly amazing - I'm terrified of heights but once we got so high your brain sort of disengages from the fear and you enjoy it. What is most amazing is the 'textures' of the world below you, you never normally see anything from that high up with out glass in front of you and it's a completely different view.