Don't know if it's much help but here in Ibiza (the next island) there are souvenir shops which will exchange �'s into �'s with no commission and it is very handy. I'm sure there will be something similar there, failing that there are always exchange places open. Good luck
They vary between charging nothing, a 2.75% exchange rate loading, and a 2.75% loading AND a fee.
Either of the first two get the cash there. The last get it here IF you can find a good rate. The Post Office and most of the banks and travel agents will not have a good rate - M&S probably will.
I have a debit card that charges a rate and a fee (Lloyds TSB).
I can find a good (for over here) exchange rate (1.44) at (better than M&S : 1.43), but is this as good a rate as if I wait to exchange once I'm in Majorca?
Having just got back from spain. I found that had I changed my money over there i would have got a far better rate. Got 1.41 over here but was getting (in some places) 1.49 - 1.52.