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Portugal Markets

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tamirra | 12:20 Mon 17th Sep 2007 | Travel
3 Answers
Hi, im going to portugal on Thurs and want to know if there is any markets which i could go too, im staying in Albuferia but have a car. Thankyou


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Hi tamirra
WE were in Portugal a couple of years ago and there was a big market in Albuferia itself. Cannot remember what day it was held on. Watch for pick pockets though.
Have a nice holiday.
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Thanks cruella, i will look out for it, we were in Spain a couple of years ago and we were stopped by Spanish gypsies as they were doing which cup is the ball under, and my hubby fell for there trick went to give them some money and they stole quite a bit a his money from his wallet, and we all ended up fighting with the Spanish gypsies as they all seem to come out of the woodwork when they saw trouble, the police were called and we did eventually get the money back as the old women i suppose the mother stuck it down her bra, lol, so we are wary of markets now, but thanks for the tip off. xxxx
Don't know whether it has a market but Porches is very good for pottery.

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Portugal Markets

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