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British airways flight upgrade

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VLF | 23:03 Thu 10th Jan 2008 | Travel
7 Answers
How do you get one? I'm female, 23 years old travelling with my younger sister and brother (13 and 14 years old) We leave from Heathrow beginning of April going to Miami. Apart from the obvious ideas e.g - dressing smartly, being nice to the ground staff and not asking for an upgrade in front of countless others, any other ideas? If all fails (crossed fingers it won't!) What are the best seats to travel in on a BA Boeing 747 jet?


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I've occasionally got one - though never when I've asked for it. But getting three... I have to say you'd be very lucky indeed. People who've paid for club class (or perhaps you're aiming at premium economy) are never very chuffed to see others getting the same seats after paying economy prices. They are even less chuffed when it's kids or teenagers. If you have frequent flyer points it may help. Otherwise I would say don't get your hopes up.

Some info on BA jumbos here: ys/British_Airways_Boeing_747-400_A.php
You could try turning up late, hoping the "economy" seats are all full so they have to upgrade you (many flights are overbooked).

Risk is the plane will be full and you dont get a seat at all.

I worked for large computer company and flew all over the world on business and NEVER got an upgrade.

As jno says, your chance of getting an upgrade is virtually nil.

Just accept the seat you paid for and enjoy the flight.
How do you get one? Pay for it.
I wouldn't bank on it especially as you are travelling with kids. I reckon the best chances for an upgrade would be reserved for a typical businessman type that will blend in nicely with the other business class passengers.
You wont get one travelling with kids.
I agree you wont get an upgrade with kids, you are lucky to get 1 upgrade but travelling as a party, never.They tend to pick a single traveller so as not to split families up and believe me there isnt a trick in the book that they havent seen before.
If I was you I would go for 1 aisle seat for yourself and seat the younger two opposite you in another aisle seat and the next to it., then if they play up or start to argue you can put them apart, by changing seats with one and thus seperating them.Its quite a long flight so make sure they have plenty to occupy their minds.
Window seats are great for about 10 mins then all you see is clouds and if you want to get up you often have to wake sleeping passengers and it becomes a pain.
Good luck.
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Thank you for all your answers. I doubted I'd get an upgrade but there is no harm in asking! Thanks again!

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British airways flight upgrade

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