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F.A.O all the C.B vigalantes, againnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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Gill 05 | 11:32 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
56 Answers

Rather than read all the made up sick p!sh that some twisted, deranged people on here have been posting about Legend, let's look at the facts instead.

If Legend was, as the rockets on here would have people believe, a paedophile, kiddie groomer, molester, or any other sick twisted cr@p that you lot come out with, then tell me this......

WHY does Bel, the mother of his son, let him have access to his son??

Wouldn't she be the 1st person to protect her child from a child molester?

Whatever happened between Bel and Legend is no one elses business, but theirs.

But dragging an innocent child into your playground games is sick in the fcuking head, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves :o(


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So again I will answer, yes it is sick very sick indeed but ALL name calling and being nasty needs to stop. Just because this is a harsher word doesnt mean all the other names are ok.
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seems you're not allowed an opinion on here, unless you're agreeing with the clique.
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No it doesn't forget, but some words are easier to swallow than others, and as I said, dragging an innocent child into internet squabbling, is just plain sick.
Huh? course you are. Your opinion is a good one. I just gave mine back. I just dont see any of this stopping there will always be people being nasty on here for their own satisfaction
have "melodramatic linch mob" been on the rampage again?
yes they are to some, but some people can take the slightest thing to heart. I;m sure I can bring name calling into it. I am just trying to explain that wardy does this just to get at you, teh same as you try with the names. Whether it be paedophile or sadbimbo they are still words used to hurt. There is no need for any of it.
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I think I may go and sulk because when I got called a paedophile on here nobody put a thread up defending me. :-( In fact the only people who said anything nice to me about it were unrulyjulie,3ight8ball and legend.It is a horrible thing to be called and as I said in the other thread,I never believed legend to be a paedophile.
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As you say Legend, it was about you.

If anyone else on here was being given the sh!t that Legend was getting, then you can bet your @rse something would be done about it.

That's not me condoning anyone being abusive btw, but stuff about kids is on a totally different level from general name calling.
What kind of delight can someone get out of calling someone such things. It's true what Julie says, we don't believe for one minute the sh*te being written about stevie but to other people who don't know what these bullies are like they must wonder why someone would start name calling like that. Everyone must read how much legend loves his son and know he has contact with him regularly and to read these awful things being written about him is really sad. : (
ok if thread was all about him then so be it, but I did agree it was sick but I just dont think wardy is the only one to blame, he does it to get at legend. They have both been nasty to eachother in the past.
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Sigh....He's big enough to defend himself, don't you think Gil?
I don't approve of the name calling either, whomever it's directed at, and I can assure you that he has been giving as good as he gets, and often to people who have never called him that particular name. As for "knowing" who or how ANYONE on here is, I'm sorry, but that's impossible unless you've know them outside the internet for a while. I just wish the name calling would stop altogether, as well as the "poor victim" attitude when the person in question isn't all that nice to others themselves. That goes for everyone, too.
dont quite understand that as never saw the post lastnight. and legend you dont get followed by anyone. People just post. please dont get paranoid. So to Gills post yes very sick and I will report any I see but never really come on at night. xx See ya
max thats exactly what I was trying to say. xx
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Max, he is big enough to defend himself, but his son isn't. And no matter what you or anyone else thinks of him, or anyone else for that matter, comments shouldn't involve peoples kids or family. It's not clever.
No it's not, and I agree. So now that's said, can we move on?
There is absolutely no point going on and on about it, if it's going to happen it will. Do you realy think you're going to make them think twice??? Seriously!
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Max, I don't believe for one minute that this thread will make the slightest bit of difference to the sick things people post on here, but I for one, speak my mind, here and in real life, so if something bothers me, I let people know.

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