I remember some years ago thinking I was gona go mad when the few closest friends I had were on hols at the same time so I had no one to talk with for 2 weeks.
Some years on and I realise that was nothing sometimes 2 months go by and I've not had a conversation these days. I don't make too many friend but when I do I make them for life. Today while with one of these friends I realised she's very sociable but moans about the people she spends time with. I learned something about myself today that I would rather be alone than spend time with people I don't really like or feel comfortable with. But she makes the effort to be with people, wether she likes them or not??
I made some new friends recently & they invited me away for a weekend but I couldn't go because I wasn't comfortable with their company for some strange reason.
Anyway my point being - if you're like me you choose your friends/aquaintances wisely for sincerity, where as some people are more superficial and will spend time with anyone for the sake of it, it seems.