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Entering Canada

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martybhoy | 16:02 Thu 07th Aug 2008 | Travel
2 Answers
Will i be turned away at the airport if i go to Canada as i have a criminal record.


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The Canadian immigration service have no access to any criminal records except those of Canada and the USA. (The two countries share a common database). The UK is prohibited, by European law, from making the UK database openly available to other governments. The UK can only pass on specific information relating to individuals on a 'watch list'.

If you weren't convicted in the USA or Canada, and your convictions don't relate to terrorism or cross-border crimes (such as drug smuggling or people trafficking), there's no way the Canadian authorities would know about your murky past.

Added to which Canada doesn't ask UK tourists about criminal convictions.

Technically you can't visit Canada though. Its rules are actually more stringent than the US in some respects

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Entering Canada

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