I know a very good plastic surgeon - an Egyptian doctor (don't panic!) he is very good. He has a very sucessful surgery in Paris but if you can fly to Alexandria in Egypt, the price will be cheaper because his costs for the surgery he uses are lower. His surgery is pioneering - he performs what is like a 'feather lifting' surgery where he basically pulls the face muscles up rather than cut the face and pull back - the neck is also pulled up at the same time. And eye lift of course. I've had it done, and I would thoroughly recommend it. He speaks perfect English and is very gentle in his manner. Before you see him you have to get these tests and fax them to him -
Complete blood picture ( C.B.C.)
Liver functions.
Renal functions.
Hepatitis C and H.I.V.
I have a fax number for him so E-mail me on
[email protected] if you are interested.