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Weather in Corfu

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rodz | 20:11 Wed 18th Mar 2009 | Travel
4 Answers
Can someone tell me when the weather becomes settled in Corfu.
Not interested in July and August, would be to hot for us.
Just settled not one day nice and the next day rain.
What is the flying time from Manchester?
Thanks very much


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Weather statistics are here:

The 'month by month' written summary, here, helps to put those figures into context:

There are no scheduled flights from Manchester, but plenty of charter flights: FliesHere?DESTIATA=CFU

Thomas Cook quotes 3 hours 50 minutes outbound, and 3 hours 20 minutes back.

Question Author
Thanks Chris,
Been to Corfu on and off for 30 years - a very beautiful pretty place.
The weather is quite unusual there - not really guaranteed steady warm days until beginning of June and then it just gets hotter and hotter by the day!
We have been in May before and had to light coal fires in the villa in the evenings and there can still be a lot of rain then. The rain starts again with avengence at the end of september/beginning of October.
Where are you hoping to go - there are so many different types of resorts in Corfu - what exactly are you looking for - some is very quiet and pretty and some is like a rowdy chav land.
Question Author
Hi Baileybird,
Thanks for your answer.
Just got back from spending the winter in Tenerife.
Looking to get away again as soon as possible but wanting settled weather.
South of France is still rubbish as is Malta, Cyprus seems reasonable but not at all settled one day 70 next day raining.
I am not big into long flights and long to me is over 4 hours so Corfu slipped into my comfort zone.
You seem to be saying leave it till June to be certain.
Would be interested in smallish quaint resorts away from the noise. Need something differant to my Tenerife way of life.
Would be handy to be fairly close to airport to save on long taxi journeys if we went independant.
Thanks for your interest and help.

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