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Im getting confused here

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noway2 | 22:13 Tue 19th May 2009 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
too many threads here, I cant keep up,can we stick to one,as im all over the place.Is dot home yet.


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please,lets all bull-sh1t on one post
it's more fun this way
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now whats this about madonna?
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good idea Noway.....and it wont stop us from posting over one
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that happens anyway razzz.Now where is dot
your spelling is on top form noway!
Evening Noway
Where is Ethel. She hasn't been on for ages and she is one of my favourites along with TCL Mumping.......
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hi caz got a spell checker.Green dot,where is th real dot hawks
This is the new me the Ed called me his little Angel
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yeah razz,have'nt seen ethel for awhile.And joy11,omg i think green dot is bobbi/joy
AAAhhhhhhhhh never thought of that. Wait for the little gems then we'll know. Offer a drink lol
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Im getting confused here

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