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Sunday Times Travel Quiz Q.30

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suejacko | 10:50 Sat 01st Jan 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Could this be a trick question as it asks WHICH of these is not survival advice and not Which one? I have spent ages looking for all 4 examples and although have found that rhinos turn quickly and that hair is full of protein have found nothing on any of them to suggest that they Are survival advice.


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I wondered the same but the question says "Which of the following is NOT...", rather than "are NOT.." I guess that means only one is incorrect?

Assuming some of them are correct they must come from a survivalist type book - there are lots of these around. I wonder if the reference to cougars means it is an American book? I believe there are a copule of big selling ones but not sure if there would be copies in the UK.

Ho hum


I can't see hair providing as MUCH energy as pasta. So I'm going for that one. Hair makes a crap Lasagne anyway.

not wanting to mention to much about peoples love lives i would say  q.30 answer d is wrong becauser all of the info ive read informs you to make noises when bears and cougars are suspected in the vicinity
are they talking about human love life? if so, i think cougars at least would be scared off by any noise from humans. But - if it is other creatures mating????
I'm puzzled by Q 30.  I have read (twice) what is seen as the leading book on bears, Stephen Herrero's "Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance" and I recall that there was merely speculation that the pheromones of humans might be noticed by bears.  Not only was this not asserted, but it did not go on to lovemaking sounds...  

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Sunday Times Travel Quiz Q.30

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