This morning BBC TV interviewed an American woman as part of their report on President Obama's health care program. For her to obtain a prescription medicine, a doctor's signature is required. She can't afford the doctor's fee for this. So, she and others in a similar situation are denied the (perhaps quite ordinary) medicines they need. In this day and age, this strikes me as being wholly unacceptable. I also have the uneasy feeling that strength of opposition to the the President's bill is solely the result of a very powerful hospitals and insurance companies lobby. The last thing they want to see is something that will cut into the large profits of their very lucrative market. For the opposition to hold up the UK Health Service as a horrid example, and moan about 'Nanny States', is a red herring. The US will be starting from scratch, This gives them an excellent opportunity to pick and choose the best and avoid the shortcomings from the health systems operated by countries round the world. 32 million people will undoubtedly be very grateful.