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Isn't google maps brilliant....

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Bbbananas | 11:20 Mon 12th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
.. that little yellow man you can make walk along the road. It really is amazing.
I use it a lot, and it's great for a good old nose without actually having to walk or drive anywhere.
Anyone else use it?


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I've managed to see what my 'brother-in-laws' house looks like Marangaroo, Australia !!!! :o) does it work?
is this you?
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go to google maps, type in an area or street you want to nose at. Double click on the little yellow man and drag him across to where you want. You may have to arrow forward or back to get the exact point. Very interesting.
i love it, i freaked my mum out the other day!
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Yup, that similar bibble. Aint mams brilliant? They 'ave and 'n that. Give birth. Look after you for as long as you want & you don't 'ave to pay 'em or nuffink. In fact, they pay you - pocket money 'n stuff....."

I like that character....! Didn't he go on to do an advert for the milk marketing board "Aint milk brilliant.....?!!"
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I wonder how many people have been caught out by the google camera - their car for instance being spotted in a place it really shouldn't be? Or someone shopping in a high street when they're supposed to be off sick?!!
yes salla it's great. I went up to my old school in scotland on it and its still the same after 60 years and the old railway bridge that my mother chased me over with a strap in her hand as I had been naughty has been flattened . But street and house not changed.
My son has a plastering business and his sign on houses has been seen in a few places in the midlands. Good free advertising lol
salla, I think you can ask to have your picture blurred if in a compromising situation. The Times recently ran a selection of Google pictures, including 'two scantily-clad women on a street corner in Washington DC'. I suppose they were happy with the free advertising too.
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I can see they blur car registrations etc, but some people are highly visible. Could be embarrassing...!
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My mate in Perth. W Australia was well impressed when I told her how nice her house looked.
craft - It was your earlier post that prompted me to look at Marangaroo............:o)
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Marangaroo.... a good name for a kangaroo eating a meringue.
Brilliant (!) name, eh...........?
Greece banned it last year


don't know if they've changed their mind.

My block has vanished from it, though it used to be there. Maybe I have a famous neighbour who wanted it removed or something.
I frightened my mum with it the other. She was walking home and there are several photos of her in various roads enroute.
I have used a bit, it is funny what you can see.
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Cheeky !!

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Isn't google maps brilliant....

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