I don't watch telly anymore, Poodi. And having spent, until recently, the majority of the last 4 and a half years living out there, I can tell you that Spain is in a much worse financial situation than we ever have been. The property market reached saturation levels many moons ago and what property is for sale, isn't selling, even at 66.666% of its full market value.
What is 'its'? The sewage on some of the beaches? The expat housing market? Bullfighting in Catalunya? The grape harvest in Rioja? The popularity of ETA?
I was talking to a neighbour tonight whos daughter has lived in spain for the last 10 years or so , said daughter is coming back to britain to live as theres no work there
I wondered that as well NoM owning a property across there :)
The recession in Spain doesnt matter a jot to us -its still a beautiful place and we bought the property for life so we havent 'lost' any money as it wasnt bought as an investment.
I do feel for anyone who has lost their jobs just the same as I do for anyone here :(
the house opposite my grandparents had an extension with 2 ridge tiles missing from the roof for years, the reason being that they didn't have to pay extra tax until the extension was fully finished.
Hi ummm -just popped on.We havent done before but we have a Spanish family renting for the whole of August plus theres a new oil pipeline in our area and our property will be geting rented out to the company.Just as well to make hay while the sun shines.