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Pakistan floods, interesting quote.

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flobadob | 23:20 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
54 Answers
On the news today about the floods in Pakistan I heard a woman say something which I found interesting and quite amusing in a dark sort of way. Her home had been washed away and she was on saying "It took years for God to give us our house, now the floods have taken it away".

What The Funicular? Surely their house was built by local people and was destroyed by natural disaster. Can she really think that?


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I heard that. I just thought well he`s took it back now.
Yep they stand around waiting for help, as usual. Probably the first peice of corrugated iron blew onto the top of the cardboard boxes they were living in, and lo! they had a house,thank you God
flobadob - just out of interest, how many times have you visited a '3rd world' country ?
All that religeous nonsense just goes by my head about praising whoever, what I`ve got I`ve had to work for, and what I`ve built, I built all by myself, I thank me.
Gran - I also ask you "how many times have you visited a '3rd world' country" ?
Carlton..well done you, did you do all this building in a '3rd world' country?
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Answerprancer, why do you ask that? What relevance does it have to this discussion?
Your posting of this quote trivialised and made light of a situation that is 'life or death' for these people - it's totally relevant IMO.
...and I was outraged by this, wondering if you had some inside knowledge of spending time in a developing country to justify this trivialisation of their plight.
Developing country ?
Its been there as long as every other country on earth.
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This is the R&S section and my Q is pondering the woman in questions rationale? How can she think God gave her a house but doesn't blame him for causing the flood. I think you should leave this and go to news were all the racists are, if you are looking for a row.
Answerprancer have you come from a third world country. What exactly are you going to do about their plight? Throw yet more aid at them, it seems to be a bottomless pit, the aid that is dealt out to all those different countries. We have had floods but we received not aid whatsoever, oh I forgot Iceland sent us some warm jumpers. IMO How much longer are they going to live in the dark ages, we have millions of them here, but none seems to go back and show them how to go on.
The length of time a country has been on earth has no bearing on its level of material/human life supporting success.
Well said Gran
Just ask the people of Worcester how much aid they got when they were flooded,
Some of the residents are still living in temporary accomodation.
I can see I'm in a minority here where inhabitants of places like Pakistan are deemed unimportant.

Flobadob, it doesn't matter where you post crap like this, it's clearly and obviously inflammatory and trivialises a grave humanitarian situation - live with the response.
I don't see it as a "row"; you excercised your freedom of speech, I'm excercising mine.

Askyourgran, I have spent time in a developing/3rd world country and I know the difference between hardship and plain day to day hell through lack of infrastructure. What am I going to do about their plight? Anything I can over and above the work I have already done.
The aid other (developed) countries have had "thrown" at them is massive compared to anything Cumbria may have needed last year.
It's *not* a bottomless pit, we are 'developed' we have the ability not only to bring aid abut to help nations like this with sustainability.
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Some more 'interesting'? quotes:

"Acknowledging life as a self-sustaining, self-regenerating process would be a logical first step in emerging from the quagmire of wallowing in a cesspool of ignorance, appealing to a non-existent overseer of reality for the undeserved and unearned."

"We are not personally responsible for the world we're born into but we are responsible to ourselves to confront that reality and make the most of it."

"If you want to help someone, offer them not your pity but provide them with the knowledge and freedom to help themselves, without which we are all helpless beings forever bound to and trapped within a hopeless cause."

"Seeing the benefits one stands to gain is the fountain from which springs the desire to fully embrace and engage in the life process and to become more than the animals we evolved from."

"To defy reason is to deny our unique nature, something no other healthy animal would ever think of doing."
"crap"? How did you arrive at this one-word deduction based on what I said ? Do you have the intelligence to expand upon this ?

"well said gran" How can you compare a situation like Worcester (and Cumbria) with the loss of ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED lives in a country that has a far more limited infrastructure and less wealth ?

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Pakistan floods, interesting quote.

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