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Brits On Holiday Recovering From The Night Before

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

We all look forward to our two weeks in the sun. After working all year to pay for it we are ready for a relaxing break. However, it seems that many of us are ‘wasting’ time away recovering from the excesses of binge drinking.

Collectively, UK holidaymakers spend over 350,000 weeks every year languishing in their hotel rooms as they try and recover from an excess of local booze from the night before.

Dodgy stomachs, waiting for others to get ready and arguments are among the other not-so-productive ways we waste our precious holiday allowances.
Hangovers were by far the leading cause of wasted holiday time, with 55 per cent admitting that they spent at least a day recuperating rather than frolicking in the surf.

Although this has to be balanced against the finding that most holidaymakers thought the day after the night before was more than worth it.
"People's holiday time is some of the most precious in their year. But we're not necessarily making the most of our time away and could benefit from a bit more pre-holiday planning," said a representative of the firm that commissioned the research.

"In today's work-oriented world, it is essential that we make the most of our holiday as they are invaluable for our mental health, physical wellbeing and relationships."
Many people find it hard to de-stress after being at work all year and alcohol can help quicken this process. Even when at home many of us have a few drinks at the weekend as this is a ‘little holiday’ away from work and end up being hung over on a Monday morning. It is important to remember that a little indulgence is fine but to put the cork back in the bottle before we have had too much.

While some days spent not making the most of our holiday may be a fair trade off, you can minimise the days wasted by finding the best travel insurance policy online.

If you would like to know more about holidays why not ask AnswerBank Travel.

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