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Delve into the Dominican Republic

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Does relaxing with a delicious meal after a long day of soaking up the Caribbean sun sound appetising to you? Then feast your eyes on the beauty that this stunning island has to offer. The Dominican Republic is a land of contrasts, in the literal sense it combines the highest peak with the lowest peak and in a more metaphoric sense it merges the quaint urban street life with the picturesque rural villages. 


Characteristics of the Dominican Republic:

The spirit and charm of the Dominican Republic is captured in its music, food, culture and history of the island. The museums and archaeological sites are vibrant, bringing the daring history of the Dominican Republic alive with antique treasures, dazzling jewels, and the cavernous time capsules left to us by a long lost culture. The culture of the Dominican Republic is never boring and always boasts an artful and colourful expression of life.


This tropical playground will leave you dizzy, but not because you spent too much time going round in circles on a roundabout- but because it oozes with adventures to embark upon. From the white sandy beaches and underwater adventures to historical sights, your days will be filled with fun things to do. While on the 1,000 miles of white powdery beaches you could do the usual collecting seashells, swim in the ocean as well as something more daring and discover the beauty of the coral reef  off the coast at Playa Dominicus while scuba diving or try some exciting parasailing- which provides a huge adrenaline rush for those adrenaline junkies.


If it’s entertainment you’re looking for you should visit Santo Domingo- a modern thriving port city home to vivacious clubs, lively casinos and a variety of boutique shops to peruse at your leisure. Just a few miles east of the city is a remarkable cave complex, Los Tres Ojos de Agua (The Three Eyes of Water), so-called because it contains three beautiful turquoise lagoons.


Things to do:

With so many appealing activities to enjoy on this energetic island you may run out of time to see them all, so make sure you plan your trip so you get to see and do what you want to.


You could choose to swim with dolphins in Manati Park. This enchanting theme park near Punta Cana also includes a zoo and stunning gardens as well as a variety of exotic animals. If you want to encounter more dangerous types of wildlife you should visit Cabritos Island, which has a national park in the centre of Lake Enriquillo. You should expect to see wild American crocodiles, flamingos and iguanas- for an up close and personal encounter with some of the world’s most fascinating species this is the ideal place.


Dive an astonishing variety of sites around the island. Reefs, wrecks, caverns and abundant marine life make the island a Mecca for novices and experienced divers alike. Great spots include Cabrera and La Caleta National Underwater Park.


Taste of La Dolce Vita:

La Dolce Vita, Italian for “the sweet life,” is a perfect way to describe tasting the food at the numerous Italian restaurants in the Dominican Republic. Vesuvio and Toscana are both restaurants located in the city of Santo Domingo and are two favourites of frequent visitors to the island and both feature sumptuous, rustic Italian food. Conuco, located in the Gazcue neighbourhood, and Meson De La Cava, located in Santo Domingo, are two excellent Dominican Republic restaurants that feature an abundance of Caribbean delicacies- so if you want to sample some of the Caribbean delights you should consider these recommended eateries. After all travelling to the Dominican Republic without tasting any of the vibrant, local foods would be like visiting Paris without dropping in the see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre.


The island is also known for its vibrant nightlife, characterized by the pulsing music beats that fill the air into the early hours of the morning. The Dominican Republic offers an array of nightlife where you can drink, socialise, dance, gamble, or celebrate. The best way to enjoy a night out on this buzzing island is to enjoy the most popular drink- The Cuba Libre, poured with a very generous amount of locally produced Dominican Rum and Coke topped off with a slice of lime...Delicious.


From saucy nightclubs to enticing restaurants, there are no shortages of activities to fill the evening hours in the Dominican Republic. The only challenge is finding the time to squeeze it all in.


- K.J.N -

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