Body & Soul2 mins ago
Romania Holiday Guide and Tips
Despite the fact that the capital city, Bucharest has been known for divided opinions among locals and tourists about the country’s history, Romania is rapidly regaining its identity as a popular tourist destination and has plenty to offer its visitors.
Attractions in Romania:
The country has many charms, such as Transylvania, famous for its vampire connotations, luring visitors with its imaginary haunted forests, medieval towns, cliff top castles and legends of Dracula.
In addition to its enchanting historic towns and medieval castles and, the area also offers the spectacular alpine scenery of the Carpathian Mountains with amazing skiing and undisturbed hiking opportunities.
Among the diversity of the mountains, hills, farmlands and stunning beaches along long Black Sea Coast, and plenty of natural landscape and rustic villages where local people live as they have for the past 100 years, there is an abundance of religious architecture, ancient churches and cities erupting with historical architecture.
Popular Travel Destinations:
Bucharest: Has been the capital since 1862, and is the country’s largest and wealthiest city. With its scenic boulevards and classical buildings and structures to temp the more architectural inspired visitor. As well as its classical appeal, Bucharest also has congested streets, apartment blocks and incomplete constructions, slowed down by practical realities.
Transylvania: Is the most famous part of Romania, thanks in main part to the legend of Dracula, with the illusion of haunted forests and werewolves, medieval towns, vampires, spectacular mountain ranges and eerie castles.
Southern Bucovina: Situated in the north-eastern area of Romania, and Moldavian region, and is home to the history of Stefan the Great, who fought back the Turks in the 14th and 15th centuries, and is famous for building churches and monasteries throughout Moldavia. These offer some of the most fascinating sights in Romania; some of the monasteries have even been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Things to consider while in Romania:
There are many aspects to consider when on holiday in Romania, one of which is that, as with most places in the current climate, there is an underlying threat of terrorism, although the chances of being caught up in an attack are very small.
Visitors are advised to be on guard as there is a risk of petty theft in large towns and being pick- pocketed in crowded areas, particularly in Bucharest. Visitors are also warned that there have been cases of credit or charge cards being 'cloned' after usage in some bars and restaurants, leading to their subsequent illegal use by the fraudsters. As long as visitors follow simple guidelines about safety, they should be able to enjoy a unique and hassle-free trip to Romania. These are all just helpful pointers you should bear in mind, and not use them as deterrents.
Other things to consider while visiting Romania are that public transport is fairly cheap and extensive, but as with most places it is valuable to remember that tourists can often be overcharged in specific when using the taxis available.
As long as visitors follow simple guidelines about safety, they should be able to enjoy a unique and hassle-free trip. Romania appeals to visitors because it is so different. It has one foot firmly placed in the past while the other one is stretching forward in an effort to keep up with the progress of the modern world.