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Why might pub accommodation be good?

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Apart from the fact it can reduce the distance from a night out to your bed significantly, people could choose pub accommodation for a number of reasons.

It is a practice that has existed for hundreds of years and gives many waterholes the 'Inn' part of their name, often taking in those a little too inebraited to make the car journey home.

As these establishments are spread all across the UK – from big cities to hamlets – they could offer a bed for the night in a far-flung corner of countryside where there are few options for board.

Although we all enjoy the comfort of our own bed, we cannot run the risk of enjoying a pint (or whatever your poison) or seven in one of Britain's traditional pubs and heading home in the car. It's advisable that if you're on a trip then you have to get the authentic experience of staying at a traditional inn.

They could also offer a more authentic and personable experience – as many pubs will only have a few rooms, you are likely to receive a more tailored service to suit your needs than could be expected from a chain. Although don't expect too much of the room service! In most cases the staff probably want to get a good nights sleep too!

When choosing somewhere to stay, it could be worth consulting publications such as The Good Pub Guide, this will allow you to judge which residence may suit you and your trip, whether it be a fleeting visit or a couple of days in rural bliss.

This book lists all of the boozers in Britain and rates their offerings, so definitely grab a copy before you set off. Most establishments will offer great services, a fantastic room and all of he mod-cons you would expect to find in swanky inner city hotels. Make sure to research which inn will suit your needs best.

We also advise performing a quick search on the internet. This could also help you decide a lot easier, and will also offer up to date information in the pub, such as current rates.

Wherever you choose to go, we're sure you'll find the best of British hospitality. Coupled with an unrivaled experience in an authentic inn, you cannot go wrong.

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