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weather forecast

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Dee Sa | 13:38 Fri 26th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
can anyone tell me what the supposedly weather forecast is for the holiday weekend please, south of England.
thks Dee


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Hi Dee Sa !
Tonight's weather, dark, continuing mostly dark tonight, leading to widely scattered areas of light in the morning. :-))
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lol thank you redman, but what about Sun & Mon pls ?trying to make plans and alternative plans if its going to rain.
try putting your postcode into gives about two weeks forecast and the first few days in quite a lot of detail
More sense from rowanwitch than me Dee Sa ! lol
Enjoy your weekend....
I've just had a look at metcheck for Vienna. According to them we must have 23° at 17.00. In fact it's 35° at 19.00!

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