Calm but cloudy here this morning. A nippy 0.5°C, so spring is not here yet, despite all the flowers and some of the trees beginning to show signs of life. The bluebells and daffs are in bud, I hope they survive.
Shopping today for a lunch party tomorrow. Always good to entertain friends isn't it.
Morning waterman!
Not long up, having a coffee to wake me up. The house is untidy, had little one after work yesterday, just left everything till today. Me and her mum are taking her to see a local amateur dramatic group perform Cinderella, her first introduction to theatre! Whether she will sit through it till the end I'm not sure, we will see.
Ha ha! Yep, a little lone voice in a quiet moment from the back of the audience! Can see that coming. I think it's a great starter for more theatre when she's older! How are you keeping waterman?
Good question. Leek and potato soup followed by a rolled boneless pork joint, with green cauliflower florets, carrots, sweetpotato and swede mash and onion gravy, raspberry fool for pud.
I made popcorn with her on Wednesday! Bought a popcorn maker half price, it doesn't have to necessarily be sweet, there's a few recipes, one a spicy curry!
Oh yes. We've all been friends for many years. The lad in the wheelchair lives just across the road from me, so we see each other often. The other two live just at the bottom of the hill, about five minutes away.