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Good Morning Early Monday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:45 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Well have woken up to thick grey cloudy and quite windy here. Don't really think it's a washing on the line kind of day! Am awaiting a repair guy to turn up in nxt hour or so for a pane of glass that was fitted/replaced in a bedroom window about a month or so ago, and the seal is already falling out/off! Don't really fancy the pane falling out so hoping he sorts it easily.

Whats everyone else up to today? x



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A tad cold and windy downunder Smow. 

Keeping well yourself?

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Good morning oz... not too bad Thanku. Enjoyed our 2 days of summer last week! lol! Ahh good old British weather - the only country where you can get all 4 seasons in one week! 

We've had all 4 seasons too often recently, is mother nature complaining?

Good morning Smow Iozzy and all who follow. So good to see GMEB back. It is throwing it down here in Anglesey. Typical as schools finished on Friday.

It's been a while Welshtanner.

Good to see you're still loitering 😉

Morning all, overcast but warm and dry 

Yes it has. Am still plodding on!


Morning all.

Still cloudy here in Belfast and showers forecast for later today.  Where's our summer?

I've an appointment with my acupuncturist later on.  I don't know if the treatment is doing any good or not.

Take care old mate

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Morning Barry, Sandy. Welcome welshtanner!

I've never had acupuncture Sandy - does it hurt lol?

Morning, I had acupuncture.  It doesn't hurt.  The needles are like really thin wire.

Morning all. Not much happening here today, though might get to the garden centre,  some of my houseplants are well past their prime.

Have a happy day everyone whatever you are up to 

I have had acupuncture. It cured my sciatica.

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Morning Naomi. 
I don't know what the figures are for acupuncture re pain relief - would be interested to know. That's really good welshtanner as I know that sciatica can be incredibly painful.

Morning Rosetta. I know what you mean re houseplants - my two cats like chewing mine!!

Glad I decided to look in, I rushed off to supermarket first thing. You have just reminded me the washing is still sitting in the machine.  Looks like it will be heading to the tumble drier, sky getting a bit dark.

Good morning from a miserable and drizzly East Yorkshire.Craft session for me this afternoon, other than that - nothing really on the cards.

Looks like Autumn here in Hove, overcast and drizzly.  I'm waiting for a chap to come and walk Jay for me but I doubt J will go with him as he doesn't like the rain.  So he'll probably continue to grizzle all afternoon until his best mate comes this evening.  I must say I am loving looking at my garden.  My Fuchsia seems to be permanently in flower with massive flowers that go from pink to purple from day to day. It has spread about 10ft along my fence and the same in height.  Fab u Lous.  Loads of plums on my Victoria Plum tree, some pecked by the birds unfortunately.  Five Acers of different colours in pots.  I apologise for being boring as I suspect I have said most of this before.  Bye.  Slinks off ...

Late morning to all. Finally normal summer heat on the Algarve. Trip north postponed due to train strike so off with granddaughter on Friday for three weeks training. Back home for GCSE results August 22. Cats and dogs flooding everywhere to get cool. Will be in the pool later with the dogs

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Good Morning Early Monday Birds!

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