This morning i received a cheque for �25 from the Daily Express. I do both the skeleton and the crusader not sure which i won it on as it just said Daily Express Crossword.
I received one today for �25 as well starrs.Mine was for the skeleton the week after Christmas.expecting another one in a few weeks time because i won again 2 weeks ago.That was my 12th win on the skeleton.It is definintly my lucky crossword.Does anyone think the compiler has changed?because I think the clues are much harder than they used to be.
Well done rbind. Am I right in thinking the Daily Express print a list of winners every Saturday because I always forget to check so when the cheque arrives it is a nice surprise. We have also won the Crusader twice over the past few months (�100 each time).
Well done rbind for your 12th win, you obviously don't find it too hard.
starrs The Crusader winners are posted on a Saturday and the Skeleton winners on a Sunday.By the way my 2nd cheque arrived today.Well done for winning the crusdaer twice that is one I have never won