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snow or wind?

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cuddleMe | 19:04 Fri 29th Feb 2008 | Weather
29 Answers
ithink we have a gale force wind here im scared, someone help? i hate this stupid weather!!! wish it was snowing instead. :(
do you prefer snow or wind? and why?


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Do I detect a slight hysterical noise coming from the Glasgow area! lol
weeal, p.m not working properly. Keep on their backs for your repair. Sorry you are having problems xxx
oops sorry, did I do that OUT LOUD?

right am starvin marvin and off to make my dinner, catch u later peeps
cheers skyep, will do, when he sees the pictures he will probably wanna know what he pays the Agent for eh

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ooo another earthquake? :) cool, i wanna experience it again! coz i wasnt sure that night cos i thought i was having a fit. u see i do get fits now a again!

but i prefer lots of snoooooooow!
i thot I was losing it, but cuddleme is just pure mental
Hiya weeal, I am sorry to hear you're having a rubbish time...that must be horrid re: the window...I am going to pm you hon...
scrap that as PM not working :(
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really skyep?

i know im flipping mental, but im feeling stressed out, so i thinking mental things

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snow or wind?

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