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Other Social Networking Sites

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Aji | 22:47 Thu 30th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
If any of you nice people know of any other social networking sites that allow chatting etc with no nasty flaming, I would really appreciate you posting the site name here... thanks!



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It depends on your age Aji. There's Sagazone for 50's and over. I joined 2 weeks ago,nice site and heavily moderated. You can have a good old natter without the nastiness and there's other threads as well.
apaert from that most other sites are as bad if not worse than here

the trouble caused here by facebook users is


Question Author
Thank you Chinadog... I just keep seeing so much nastiness on this site (unless you are part of the select clique and into bullying) that I have decided to move elsewhere...

The low standard of english, spelling and grammar, is a bit annoying, especially when the other users are obviously ****** out of their tiny skulls, and the abuse quotient resulting can be really nasty. Those who seem to abode in fairer climes but cannot really escape coming back here for communication are the worst culprits as far as I can work out.

Why don't people who move abroad simply enjoy the lovely countryside and beaches they have there instead of spending their time on the internet lashing out at people back in the UK ?.. why on earth did they leave in the first place? .. It certainly makes me wonder if they had to leave or left of their own volition.
aji i doubt you will be on the saga site

i doubt theyd entertain axe grinders

chinadog may know better tho?
Question Author
You are writing in a strange way.. I have no way of working out exactly what you mean there, mr god (why do you call yourself a god anyway?)... Axe grinders ??? nought so strange as folks eh ?
I use Facebook and don't consider mysef to be a trouble maker.

this is, of course, only my opinion :o)
Question Author
Thank you Sara... I may well try Facebook !

Do I have to use my username on here or can I create a new one for that site ?
Just press the OFF button on the computer if it upsets you......use/abuse is part of the territory.
on FB? you should really use your real name, but some people choose not to.

if you do a search for answerbank on FB you will find a group with quite a few of us in it.
there are many sara

dont get an inferiority complex

to my knowledge you havent been over on facebook suggesting folk should start trouble here towards me and others who talk to me?

nor have you threatened me with death?

thats not to say other facebookers havent

is it?

then again ive never said that to you
+have i?
no i havent

im sure if you read ajis posts and dont see any digs then maybe youn need to go to specsavers

that aside

ive nevr said you were " troublemaker 2 but then you know that too.

hello anyway : 0)
Question Author
Ahhh.. thank you Tamborine.. such sensible advice there!

However, there are times when I would like to chat to other human beings (without encountering the abuse usually found on this site).. hence my question in the first place..
Aji ... You're right.

The "standard of english, spelling and grammar" on here is poor ...

... and I know what you mean about those who "abode in fairer climes".

I was just wondering ...

Shouldn't "English" have a capital "E"?

And can one "abode"? Is "abode" actually a verb?

I just wondered, that's all.
jayne what does aji mean?
hello. I assumed when you said "facebook users" that you meant all of us.

I don't have an inferiority complex :o)
Leggy ... Aji is the OP

why would i?

if i did id say

all facebook users

but i think ive told you that before too?

maybe not?

but at least i have now eh ?
Aji, lol If anyone tries to cause a row on SZ they're kicked off quicksharp. I was suprised as when I joined they sent me a welcome mail and my IP. Im getting to like it,no
sorry jayne i dont understand.

sara as a gentleman i will give you the last word

as i always do.
well that's me educated!
chinadog ive suggested that here

thins out the fake profiles
if you get my drift?

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