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Thunder & Lightening

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tiggerblue10 | 12:04 Sun 07th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Did anyone else in the South hear the thunder this morning? It was so loud it woke me up at 6am.


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is this thread just for you soft southerners then?
Question Author
Did I say I was a soft southerner?
Are you saying us Southern Hemispherians are soft, no-kno?

Well? Are you?

Wanna know what I say about Northerners?

well must beat being a Northern tw@t......
i read between the lines
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Lol Craft.
craft you not talking to me since I told yer, NoKn has a soft spot for

yeah, I know , it's called a swamp
joy x
I know joy......and that's after I gave him my last Rollo.......
My grandad used to say it was god moving his furniture about (amazing what you believe when you are 5 !!).
my mum reckoned it was the clouds bumping heads which mad the angels cry...awwww
joy x
I think there is a programme on later this week about people who have been struck by lighting and how it has changed their lives.
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My mum used to say exactly the same thing Den. Never heard of that one Joy. Sounds convincing to me though. Lol
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Do they become more static? hee hee
Tigger nobody has actually answered your question. Yes, I did hear the thunder. I had forgotten about it till I saw your
thread. I live in west London and it seemed to be around for quite a long time. The rain fall sounded almost tropical in intensity. : o )
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The rain was quite torrential Grasscarp. There was one thunder crack that woke me up and normally I can sleep through these things.
I like a good loud thunder storm , we rarely get one though tigger xxx
the rain woke me this morning but I didn't hear thunder. I love a good storm.. if I'm inside!
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Hi BM, so do I normally but not at stupid a'clock on a Sunday morning! Lol :o) xxx

I usually find it helps clear my head if its an afternoon thunderstorm.
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I have been caught outside in a storm before Sara. My umbrella blew inside out and I arrived at work soaking wet as if I'd been in a swimming pool. My boss didn't let me go home and I ended up with a cold a few days later! :o(
nice boss huh!

nothing happened up here tiggs,just had a phone call from a couple of our friends who are in Crete, too hot here blah, blah blah, 40 degress here, looking for shade...p!ss

joy x

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