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Would you want to live in Mexico

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bibblebub | 11:42 Sun 24th Oct 2010 | Weather
15 Answers
with this weather ?


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No. I went there for two weeks and it was an absolute hovel. I don't know why people rave about it as a holiday destination.
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you have to look at the bigger picture
Weather over there seems a bit Dicky at the moment bibblebub ! ;-))
Okay, the weather was crap when we got there, but soon became blisteringly hot. Everyone on the flight had all their luggage searched on entry into the country. Food hygiene is ridiculous and my mother had food poisoning. Staff in hotels and restaurants were rude and unfriendly. The place was full of American students looking to do drugs. It's cheap, tacky, dirty and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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NoM - you are clearly too innocent for this thread.
willi'e won't he tell us about the showers due shortly
I thought this section was just for Crossword questions?
LOL...brings whole new meaning into "it will be p!ssing down".

I went there (Yucatan/Cozumel) it was fantastic, great place.
Good pic, bibblebub.
All show, no go.
lol love the pic!
Seems to happen a lot over there

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at least it's a warm front
I very much doubt I'm too innocent for this thread, I just couldn't be arsed waiting for the link when I clicked on it.
"Would you want to live in Mexico"

No. Not with the present crime rate. And NoMercy summed it up just about right.

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Would you want to live in Mexico

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