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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:40 Fri 16th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
177 Answers
Friday. Once more the weekend beckons. Lots of what should be good rugby to be watched. Well, someone has to do it! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Why did *** get ***'d?
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Still did! :o}
Don't be too hard on the *** waterman :0?
bye DT xx Boaty xx
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arf arf arf. Tarraah.
***..I am making a move too..lots to do in mum's garden today ! see you later xx
Morning Boaty. Pleased to say we have found a cottage that suits us both, should be moving in on the 23rd of November :0) THat's perfect Minty, I,ll be there with my AB badge x
just caught me Mazie..see you there xx
Bye waterman/ murray x
Mazie ... a meet up! :0)
Hi Elina, yes, meeting Minty for lunch. We've been in Edinburgh for 9 weeks now but have been busy house hunting. Found somewhere now so time to relax a little and meet up with old friends.
That sounds wonderful mazie. As does your cottage x
I'm so looking forward to both Elina x
Sure it'll be fun mazie! I've only met one other Answerbanker .
Which one Elina ?
Actually two ... Bathsheba & another lady.
Always nice putting a face to a name. Right I'm off. Bye xx
It is, bye mazie x

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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