This has got to be the most ambiguous preamble ever. Nice easy grid-fill, but ... Is the starting point "the completed grid" or what you get using the "information"? Is the starting point the zeroth or the first of the states defined by the final word of the "instruction"? A mathematician would start an infinite series a0, so I'm guessing it's the zeroth. But if I have to highlight the "creator" then I have to leave his name unrubbed-out. Lovely idea, but - unless I'm being preternaturally dumb - poor instructions.
Apologies for butting in, but when I googled "Listener 4368" before posting at 1826 nothing came up.
Yes, Jim, the starting point is clear, but do we highlight the next stage, or the next but one? In other words is the starting position the zeroth or the first? As a mathematician I would opt for the position after two actions - do you agree?
No apology needed, it's a common enough thing on AB for new-ish threads to be missed.
Best I can suggest is start from what you think the starting point to be, apply the rules as given, and see what you get out. If it makes sense, then highlight it. I wouldn't be looking for mathematical rigour in a Listener so I reckon the pragmatic approach is the best.
No rubbing out required jockie, and the starting point is certainly not G1 as defined by the author's own rules. I agree the preamble is poor but the instruction is unambiguous - we must shade G2.