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How Many Q?

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cassa333 | 22:35 Sun 18th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

I have tried to have a look on line but can!t seem to find any data so if anyone has a heads up I would appreciate it.

How many community associations are there in the UK? or even just England would do lol



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seventeen million four hundred and eighty three

Give or take a few million. (is this Q even answerable?)
There doesn't seem to be a National body for Community Associations - don't they encompass many different groups?
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It is a tricky one to find out ol

There is a national federation but I haven't found out if the data is on their web sight.. I'llgo and have. Look.
Have you a liknk to this national federation?
I can only find US based networks.
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There does seem to be a lot. I had a quick said at their last annual report and they go on about their membership increasing.

I am just a bit rubbish at spotting what I want to know.
Contact them, I'm sure they'd tell you.
Even by contacting them you will only find out how many members they have, not how many Community associations there are in the UK.
^ True that.

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