I always go out for a nice meal on Halloween. I’ve had countless rows and arguments with scroats (and often their parents) knocking at my door demanding money with menaces. I’ve tried sitting in the dark (although I never really understood why I should do so). I’ve tried disconnecting my doorbell. I’ve tried simply ignoring callers whilst continuing to watch the six o’clock news. I’ve tried putting up notices. I’ve tried being polite. I’ve tried being obnoxious (easist of all for me :-) ). None of it works.
The idea that children should be encouraged to knock on people’s doors and demand to be treated accompanied by the threat to carry out some sort of “trick” is appalling. Basically, “If you don’t give me what I want I’ll do something nasty.” There’s no other way to dress it up. As has been said, fine when the “kiddies” are five or six and come round at 5:30 with a parent or two. Not so clever when they are fourteen or fifteen and arrive mob-handed at a quarter past ten.
I’ve no objection to people dressing up ridiculously and generally faffing about (though I do object to 25% of supermarket shelf space being given over to witches costumes, plastic pumpkins and rubber severed hands for a month). But I don’t want them knocking at my door.