Quite so, Ikky. But if the car began to impact on every aspect of your life, if it began to dictate, say, where you could go for your shopping and how much you’d pay for it you may well think that perhaps it is not worth the trouble owning it.
I’m amused by the idea of the “best of both worlds”. This implies there are advantages to be gained from EU membership which would not be apparent for non-members. This is not so. There are no benefits from the UK’s membership of the EU which could not be sustained or gained from outside. Furthermore, I believe the EU is actually stifling growth in many of the member nations by its inward looking protectionist policies. I don’t care too much for the other 27 members but I care enormously about the damage being inflicted on the UK. In addition far too much emphasis is placed on the financial aspects. I happen to believe that the UK would be financially far better off free of the burden of a moribund and over-regulated bloc which is intent on ever closer union until nation states effectively cease to exist. But even if it were not, there is much more to consider. In particular there is the huge democratic deficiency that comes with EU membership.
Mr Cameron has not a hope in hell of securing any meaningful and lasting reforms to the UK’s relationship with the EU. The EU will not countenance it. And even if he said he had I certainly trust neither him nor the assorted crooks, sleazebags and slime balls who run the EU enough to believe them.
I simply cannot understand how anybody can suggest that it is in the UK’s interest to remain in an organisation which has shown itself to be so inept and corrupt. It creates fair weather schemes of enormous impact and importance (e.g. the euro and the Schengen Agreement) but then has not a clue how to react when the inevitable and well forecast bad weather comes along. Couple this with its unabashed ambition to see Europe as a single nation presided over by unelected bureaucrats and there is only one way for anyone with any sense to cast their vote. Those afraid of the unknown need only look around. Many nations not only survive but positively thrive outside the EU. There is nothing to be afraid of except the success a "Brexit" will bring.