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TWR | 08:32 Wed 04th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
Should all staff / Cares be charged for Hospital Parking?


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So how would you propose to fund the shortfall generated from car park revenue, or the large lump sum generated from selling them off to QPArks or similar companies, Mosaic?
retro (cop) said:
"pay a fee to the GNC to obtain a registration pin no each year for the privelege to work for the NHS as qualified staff?"
that is not true. paying for your registration to the NMC every year, does NOT give you the priveledge to work for the NHS. It gives you the benefit of being able to work as a qualified nurse. In any sector; public, private, charitable, independent, self employed and so on. Not all nurses working as nurses work for the NHS, (when i recently went to peppa pig world, there was a nurse there) and not all nurses who pay yearly for their registration are ven working
My wife pays £135 to park at her hospital each year and there are NEVER enough spaces. She has to drive around the place searching. Sometimes late for her shift.
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divebuddy - I have a blue badge and actually I agree with you - I appreciate being able to park in the town centre or nearer the supermarket but would be quite happy to pay the going rate for the privilege if needed.
Well I think hospital car parks should be free for everyone, staff, visitors and patients. Get the money from elsewhere, Arts grants for example. That's my view
Yes ^^^^^^^ or start charging immigrants for hospital medical care.
When I used to park at the local hospital(Wales) it was expensive but you still had to queue up. One out, one in. When I went with my boy, he'd park 2 miles away and we 'had to' yomp there.
If they have made it free it must be chaotic there. Don't know how the elderly & infirm cope.
Of course, if they were short of money, I guess it might have been difficult for them previously. (unless 'blue badges'? got you in free)
Arts grants to pay for hospital shortages? What the!

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