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Family Page On Facebook

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Ric.ror | 14:22 Thu 05th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I would like to set up a family page on facebook. How do you do that?

Thanks in anticipation


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what do you mean by a family page? What do you want it to acheive?
I can't see that it's any different to a page set up for an individual or for an organisation.
Open new FB site named ric.ror & link to your FB under Groups. Invite members you choose to share the site, where they upload family pics, geneology etc.
Do you already have a FB account in your 'real' name?
If so, do you have its' privacy settings under control?
Do you value the notion of hundreds of contacts (friends on FB) or would you enjoy keeping your posts within a smaller circulation?

If you have an account you could set the privacy to friends only, then go through your existing friends and 'unfriend' the casual contacts, then send friend requests to the family members you're looking for. That might do the trick.
Don't be the one who initiates the page if you don't have the time to act as the "site admin".

Or, whilst you might have the motivation and inspiration to set the thing up, if it later becomes a drag, you are able to grant admin right to another family Facebooker and relinquish your own admin rights.

It helps if you have more than one set up as admin, from the outset, in case of disasters.

The great thing about family pages is that it stops shared photos leaking out to friends and friends of friends. There's always one with share settings set inappropriately, ruining all your efforts to limit circulation of something.

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Family Page On Facebook

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