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Caran | 01:00 Fri 06th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I still cannot post utube links. The submit button is greyed out.


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Try posting it in the answer box, pressing enter after you have entered it.

Try putting your link on and then pressing the space bar twice, see what happens with the submit button then, Caran.
Caran I used to have this problem before I realised what to do. Try pasting the YouTube link in the box where it says Enter YouTube link here ........ then put some comment in the normal message box as if you were posting a normal answer to an AB post. I found if I didn't put anything in there and just put the link in the box above, the submit button was greyed out. Try pasting a YouTube link and explain what it is in the box below.
Try typing a few characters - that should reset the submit button.

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