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3 fast 3 furious???

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gingerflaps | 16:20 Fri 05th Aug 2005 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
does anyone know what the name of the new f&f film thats 'supposed' to be coming out somtime soon?


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at the moment it is called the fast and the furious 3 but this will probably change by the time its released.


who cares!...these movies are as stupid as they come...

*rice-burner car geeks everywhere will hate me now*

I think the films are pretty good, ny excuse to stare at the hot and sweaty Paul Walker suits me just fine! ;oP
I think the films are pretty good, any excuse to stare at the hot and sweaty Paul Walker suits me just fine! ;oP
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HAnn i asked if anyone knew wot the film was gonna be called, not ur opinion of it or the cars or the people who drive them. and i will have to agree with u dippy, paul walker is nice but i like vin deisel better, the new film is supposed to follow vin's caracter 'dom'. cant wait for it, i have a car just like the 1s in the films

Its called Fast and The Furious Tokyo Drift

It hasnt got originall cat and it has Lil Bow Wow : (

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3 fast 3 furious???

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