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Silly Things We Used To Do

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Caran | 23:29 Tue 10th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
When I was at school, in assembly we sat in rows on the floor. We would start picking at the cardigan or jumper of the person in front. We would pick off the bits of bobbly wool. The aim was to collect the biggest ball of fluff.
I cannot remember what we did with it but it carried on for months.
I don't suppose mothers were impressed with bald looking cardi's.


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What did you get a clobbering for?
Collected hundreds of key rings, all linked together.
//What did you get a clobbering for?//

don't know - i often got a clobbering for 'no reason'
I used to do the numbers bit like Gness

but realised that it was because I was bored and wondered why the teachers didnt put more welly into their lessons

so I started doing extra subjects and reading books in foreign langiuages - well at least it keeps you off the streets and I wasnt much good at sport
o gettting a clobbering for being "me"
yeah I remember that bit
I remember Jubblys !
When In class the window was facing the main Ddeinol Road, every time I hear a HGV coming I used to tell the engine by the sound ( Sad Person eh) I ended up driving the dammed things.

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