Do you get upset if you see someone on TV not wearing a poppy? If so, why?
Dont people have a choice? My uncle (mums brother) was 18 when he was shot and subsequently buried in France. I have so much respect for him, why do I need to show it by wearing a poppy? Why does wearing a flower..... from which opiates are manufactured.....have such an emotional impact?
I have never worn a poppy and never will. I give to collectors, but dont need to show it by wearing a flower that drug addicts die from.
I wear a poppy brooch all year round and I wear my RBL one on the 1st to the 11th Nov. I love poppies, hence my avatar all year round. I don't need one special day to remember our brave men and women but I always show support and respect and always shall. I always donate to the English and the Scottish RBL poppies. I prefer the Scottish one though as I always have to remove that silly green leaf off the other one.
When I was a child in London, poppies on general sale didn't have that green leaf, but the poppies that you saw on folk on TV or on people like the Lord Mayor and RBL officials did. Does anyone know when poppies with a leaf on became the norm in the south and how the folk who had them then, got hold of the ones with leaves?
It's all rather a harmless nonsense anyway. Performed so as not to offend those who lived through wars. Makes no change to how one feels about those caught up in war. And noticeably given more prominence in the last couple of decades. Never used to get companies/employers announcing staff will observe silences prior. Peer pressure and looking down on those who have no wish to conform aside, folk should have respect for their viewpoint regardless. We all know what those involved did and what they personally lost. I'm unsure the dead will want to be praised and whatever forever more. Let folk wear ir not wear whatever poppies they wish without any holier than thou stance. Each to their own.
I get more upset by the fact that everyone on TV, from quiz show contestants to journalists, have to wear one.
I don't wear a poppy, simply because I choose to give my money to other charities, but I was in tears during the two minutes' silence yesterday. I do care and am grateful to what the fallen have done for us, but I don't think I should have to wear a poppy to show it.
The poppy also provides huge benefits to the very ill in the form of pain relief called morphine.
That is by the by. The poppy is a symbol of remembrance and hope because it grew so quickly on the battle fields. Red symbolises the spilt blood, the black centre, mourning.
Thankfully we live in a country where one can choose to wear the poppy or not.
The Flanders, or corn, poppy, (Papaver rhoeas) is known as an agricultural weed.
The opium poppy, (Papaver somniferum) is the only poppy grown as a crop.
The wearing, or not, of the Flanders poppy should be up to the individual.
There are no rules governing when, or if, it should be worn.
That is how it should be.
Pete, many varieties of poppy are grown as a crop and the seeds are sold to gardeners and to the people who supply flowers and dried decorative material to florists.
Fine, Woofgang. I accept that.
My clumsily made point was that in Flanders, the corn poppy is a weed, and the opium poppy is grown elsewhere as a crop.