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Remeberence Day

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TWR | 18:33 Wed 11th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Watching all the Ex/ Soldiers standing proud that fought for this Country, can you tell me your thoughts?


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Just 'gratitude'.
I always make a prat of myself and blub.
I find Remembrance Day a very sad time. So many lives lost and ruined.
I gave thanks for the safe return of the civilian personnel who serve alongside the services.
Mixed emotions , but yes thanks and gratitude.
Very sad for those who lost their loved ones, the young men who didn't come home, so lots of thanks to them all.
Gratitude and respect but also thoughts of how needless and horrific war is and how wars were and are conducted by the powers that be.
Emphasis should not be placed on the supposed heroism and valour of going into war IMO, it should be more about what these men (and boys) were forced to endure in the name of king and country. It was and still is horrible.
I hope that after the war/s these people were and are properly looked after by the governments that sent/send them out there.
The youngest a WW II veteran can be is 87. In a decade or so there will be none left.
Sadness and pride
My father.
I am fiercely proud of all our service men and women and I'm not ashamed to say, I have a good blub at times.

Extremely proud to have been part of the History of this Country but even more a sadness when I think of the Friends I lost that lived, socialised and finally fought alongside me. Overall a great regret that so many fellow Servicemen over the years have given their lives in the pursuit of Peace.
I'm like most posters my feelings are a mixture of,gratitude,pride and sadness and I'm not ashamed to admit the sound of the Last Post always brings a tear to my eye at the thought of all who were,and still are being lost and maimed,in the service of our country.
Pride, sadness, thanks and utter gratitude, much like everyone else really.

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